Saturday, March 18, 2006

sleep crows and muzzles

This morning i got kitted out in my Amelia Earhart knitted

hat,loft filled gloves,heyah promotional zip up cardigan , old green hoodie,Real supermarket grey

cords, berghuas fleece and jacket,solomon boots ,annd two pairs of socks. Dont forget the

pomadka ochronna do ust 2 filtrem uv lip balm, west ice cigarettes, yellow lighter and BIG RED

chewing gum.

Then whillst sweating like im in a sauna with a silver thermal blanket on under

some spotlights i try to attach the dogs lead. The heating is on and so its hot enough with a

teeshirtand shorts . The Samoyed has a long white collar and so when i snap shut the collar the

hair gets got in the fastner. She doesnt want to stay still because she really wants to get out and

do the business. Shes also yelping alot which manages to peirce the ears which are right by her

head due to collar problems . After attempt two or three i manage to get her collar on. Then

its a matter of getting the gloves back on and the keys in the pocket while turning the lock dial of

the door. All this happening while the dog runs full blast out past the flat lobby filled with plants.

Im about three feet of the marble hall and the momentum pulls me down the flight of stairs at

samoyed sledge speed. I manage to avoid breaking any bones by some kind of miracle. Outside

im dragged around like some kind of human sled as Hera the Samoyed does her thing. It takes

about three minutes . It takes longer preparing for the walk. Theres been a heavy fall of

powder last night and its misty out too. So the towerblocks look all shrouded in the snow mist

and hazy. Its perfect for photographs. So i want to lose the dog and come baack out . Its about

half paast seven am. The only colour really is the Beverly hills video signage
and the bright

yellow hexagaonal kiosk in the middle of the square. The pathway bins are also that colour .

They look like yellow frogs and the kiosk looks like the mother ship. The lady in the kiosk jumps

out at me . Shes talking in Polish and i dont know what shes saying . In one hand she has some

uncooked sausages. Its for the dog naad she starts saying Mayas dog and smiling alot. Hera is

looking at the sausage as if to say what is thing i wnat it fried with tomato and a garnish. But

then she breaks up the sasuage meat and hera starts to eat it. Its the worst thing now i need

the bathroom and i have to wait while hera eats the sausage meat. Just when it looks like its all

over the koisk woman comes back out with more meat . Other dogs have started to come over

now , its a regular meat feeding frenzy. these dogs are the lucky ones though . The rest are

muzzled often with a snow ball attached to the end of the wire cage.
One man saw his dog had

snow lodged in his muzzle yesterday and so proceeded to hit the dogs head of the ground .The

alsatian looked really bemused , the snow on the end of the muzzle stayed fast though. No point

of putting your fingers in the muzzle to get the snowout the cage, the dog would have the fingers

snapped right off. (maybe because your hitting your dogs head off the pavement?go figure) Why

do they all have muzzles ? Obviously so they dont eat the scottish dog walker. I manage to get

the dog back to the house and get my camera and go out . All i want is a shot of some crows

againts the snow. The crows look fantastic flying against the white powder. Every time i go to

take a picture they all fly away and settle thirty feet of the ground in the pine trees. I swear

they are laughing at me . For about an hour i follow the crows around as they pose and then fly

away just when i press the shutter. "hey why do you have so many pictures of pine tree stumps

and snow?"oh well there were great crows there its just i was too slow. The crows laugh at me

even more when they see that have lost my glove . I follow myfootsteps around the block until

i find the glove.

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