Friday, December 15, 2006

in dreams

I drew this after drinking alot of guinness
This is the view from my kitchen window a year or so ago....


fotografie , the magazine i always but here in Poland , except its sold out this month .

notes on photograpy

Writing on photography and politics

painting and photography

thoughts on painting and photography
the internet is a scrapbook.

chained to the desk again

Its all about patience......

carve pencils here . The ultimate tool for boredom and lethargy


read secrets here

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

write a novel in a month

sure everyone has novel in them , but what if yours is "a guide to collecting beeermats "


of course ther is a chance that they might already be here. Visitors from another planet?

of course ther is a chance that they might already be here. Visitors from another planet?

This takes you to where the space program gets started - Space

Monday, December 11, 2006

Empty House !972

In 72 guess could a been born here. Ever wonder how you end up being born where you ar?

New York Underground

!9 72 - Theres no sense using a transit map for a geography lesson.....

This paperback came out the year i was born,or is it Science Fiction?

a place for writers